In case you are harassed by delay in delivery, you may ask the following questions under RTI

In case you are harassed by delay in delivery, you may ask the following questions under RTI, addressing it to the Public Information Officer of the particular petroleum/oil company under which your gas agency operates: 

1) How many domestic and commercial cylinder gas customers does the (write name here) gas agency have (the period of information could be 10 days) and if there has been any fluctuation in the number of customers in any month. 

2) The number of domestic and commercial customers having one, two, and more than two gas cylinders. 

3) In the 10-day period, how many gas cylinders did the gas agency procure from the petroleum/oil company (details of demand and supply to be given date-wise)? 

4) Details of the demand and supply of cylinders to customers of the particular gas agency (for the 10 days) to be given in the following format. 

5) Whether the petroleum/oil company has taken any action against any gas agency regarding erratic distribution of gas cylinders; if so, the names of such agencies and the details of action taken. 

Believe it or not, it works like magic.

Monday, 5 September 2011 by RTI INDIA
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